How to Build Your Own Screaming Fast Gaming PC

We guess that many of our readers are not just great mechanical and thermal engineers but that they like to tinker as well building their own high end gaming PC’s as well.  And why not?  The parts are readily available and the ability to custom design your own super fast PC is a real draw.   Well we’ve got a special video here for our readers interested in gaming PC’s. In this video, in Canada, uses an Intel Extreme Edition CPU to build an incredible PC gaming machine.

From a thermal and mechanical standpoint, the Intel Extreme Edition CPU runs fairly hot, though in the machine being built in this video, and the fact it is likely in 20C ambient most of the time, there’s likely no thermal issue. However, for our coolingZONE readers interested, click here for Intel’s Thermal and Mechanical guide for their Extreme Edition gaming CPU.

How to Build a Gaming PC Featuring Intel Extreme Edition NCIX Tech Tips

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    • blog-admin says:

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